Monday, December 29, 2014

# 1 Parent Communication Tool of the Semester!

I'm struggling getting back into the "blogging" routine, but it's been nice to look back through the semester and reflect on some of the things that have worked and some that haven't. It may be a little exaggeration (we work on hyperbole in the second semester :)) that this is the number one communication tool, but it has truly given me great insight into my parents and families, and to see their perspective on the exact same classroom situations that I have lived for the past few months.

Midyear Parent Survey
At the beginning of the year, I ask my parents to write a letter to me telling me their family story - information they'd be willing to share about their family make-up, siblings, occupations, goals and dreams, as well as how they view their kiddo academically. Midyear, I conducted a survey that asked specific questions about academics, but also social and emotional needs and how they feel I am doing as a teacher. You'll find this jpeg linked to a word doc in my TPT store, so you can save, edit, and use as you see fit.

Don't be Nutella
NOW...I forewarn...don't ask what you don't want to hear. Some of my parents were brutally honest, and some, I know, were too easy. BUT, I was also amazed at how parents viewed certain activities, tasks, homework, testing, etc. and I had not thought about their viewpoint at that time. I have received amazing insight on homework amount, tasks being too hard/too difficult, and even assignments or projects that I find "ordinary" were a source of much enjoyment!

The lack of communication was eye-opening for me, as well. I was surprised that many parents or guardians did not take the opportunity to share their thoughts on how the year has gone. I may be taking it personally, or I should know that timing at the end of the semester is quite hectic - what was I thinking, sending this in the middle of the holiday rush? :)  Something I may change for next time? Give it at the beginning of second semester. Parents and students have had a break, and have been able to enjoy time away from the "scene of the crime." They also will not be feeling the hustle and bustle in the air, and may take time to give more details and specific examples to help for future classes. 

In the beginning of the calendar year, we tend to reflect and look over what we have achieved in the past year. Hopefully, this survey can help you in your classroom and give you additional perspective on the families you work with! 

Happy New Year,