Meet Kel

Kel's Klass is available to help you! 

Hey Klass! My name is Kelly Brown and I'm the "Kel" helping you design your classroom for all students. 

If the pandemic showed the world anything, it cast the limelight on how much schools and their educators do for their communities. Reaching students of all abilities and backgrounds is a feat so many teachers stress over each year, but I'm here to coach you (if you're one of the one's stressing out) through insights, opportunities, and experiences that will hopefully improve the lives of students, as well as stressed out teachers + their teaching teams! 

Teaching in person, teaching online, and teaching in a hybrid setting can be overwhelming for any teacher. Add in your students that receive high ability services or students that receive resource services, and you may be creating 3-4 versions of the same lesson! From gifted education to a Universal Design for Learning approach, or Project/Problem Based Learning to using technology to "make everything easier," Kel's Klass is a place where you can learn how to design classroom experiences that will ignite a passion for learning in both students and teachers. 

After 15 years in an elementary setting, teaching 2nd through 6th grade (and music!) and loving on high ability students and their parents, I have transitioned to an instructional designer in higher education, teaching my faculty how to create engaging courses in a hybrid setting. My dream is to coach as many teachers as possible to create classrooms that exude their personal awesomeness. Much like our students are individual and unique, every teacher is, too.

Besides my passion for education, I'm a spunky wife, girl-mom, and cat-mom. I'm a child of God, muggle-born Ravenclaw and coffee connoisseur.  You can typically find me reading a "kids book", scrolling Pinterest, watching a Harry Potter marathon (unless it's college football season), or belting out show tunes. 

Please connect with me on Facebook or Twitter, so we can get to know each other and design amazing classroom experiences together. Long story longer, I'm an outside-of-the-box thinker always enjoying new thoughts! If you don't want to reach out on social media, contact me directly and I'd like to hear your thoughts!                              

Wife to Mr. Brown! 

Girl Mom
Mom to Baby Brown

Spunky Mom
Spunky and Sassy Kinda Gal

Like what you've read on the blog and want to quote me somewhere? Neat! Please include my bio: 

"Kelly Brown is an instructional designer, educator, and coach. She's been in the field of education in some capacity for over 20 years. Using her BS in Elementary Education, Certifications in both Technology and High Ability, her Masters in Educational Psychology, and her Masters in Instructional Design she has helped hundreds of teachers and higher ed faculty members improve, design, or create experiences in their classrooms and courses. You can find both free and paid resources, as well as ratings and reviews, at her store, Kel's Klass." 


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