Friday, June 13, 2014

Class is Closed!!!, remember the time I started a blog and made it pretty and then left it alone for an entire WEEK??? Oh well...that's life! Thank goodness, my class is finally packed up and closed for the summer. Below are photos for those that are Organization Fans like myself. Most teachers run away from their classroom at full speed at the end of the year, but I hung out and made sure that my bins and centers were relabeled and the ripped signs were reprinted and replaced!

I had a picture of my newly organized bookshelves and binders, but I must have deleted it a moment too soon off of my iPad...when recovered, it will be shared. :)

Other than that, I've been working on a little Sparkle & Pop  project. One of my Amazing Past Parents owns the cutest store called Gallery 116 in Fishers. I popped in (pun intended) and chatted with her to see if she felt Sparkle & Pop cards would be a successful item in her store...she said she wanted to try it out and sent me a contract! Guess I better get Sparkling!!!

If you like what you've read, please leave me a comment, give me suggestions, or just say hi! As I've stated before, I'm new to the Blogging World and would love to hear some feedback from my fellow Teachers, Entrepreneurs, Working Moms/Dads, or any combo thereof!

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Hello from Countless Smart Cookies! Your blog looks great. We can be on the blogging adventure together! I am very new to all of this too!
